If you are looking for an easy opportunity to get into the web hosting business, you need look no further than the reseller hosting plan options put forth by HostGator.
Far and away one of the most widely respected web hosting operations on the planet today, the hosting plans offered by HostGator as part of their reseller program are some of the most robust, flexible, adaptable, and versatile options you are going to find anywhere.
Not only that, but each and every single one of the HostGator reseller hosting plans are available are going to be fully protected and serviced by the 100% “always on duty” technical and customer service support members of the HostGator team.
You will have a unique opportunity to create your very own hosting operation by leveraging all of the impeccable resources that HostGator puts forward. You just aren’t going to find as much help, as much assistance, and as much power provided to you as a brand-new reseller anywhere else.
There’s a reason why so many more people decide to become a HostGator reseller than a reseller of nearly any other web hosting package on the planet today. You’ll find out exactly why that is the moment that you too decide to take the plunge!
HostGator provides you with all of the tools you need to get started as a reseller
One of the most significant advantages that HostGator provides each and every one of their resellers is a complete and total package of absolutely EVERY tool they need to succeed.
Not only are you going to be provided with your very own “backend” access to a reseller Control Panel that gives you the chance to configure and modify all of the hosting plans that you will be responsible for bringing on board, but you’ll also be provided with instant access to marketing and advertising materials, training programs, and a dedicated service and support team ready and willing to help you in absolutely any and every way possible.
This is your chance to really hit the ground running if you’re serious about becoming a reseller or a web hosting business without having to do all of the “heavy lifting” entirely on your own.
HostGator gives you every opportunity to improve your hosting platform
An even bigger advantage to moving forward with HostGator is the one that you will receive after you have been a reseller member for any amount of time.
You see, web hosting technology, services, hardware, and operations systems are always being improved on a regular and routine basis. Individuals that want to run their own hosting business will either need to keep up with all of these changes on their own or turn to services like the HostGator reseller program to do all of that for them.
You won’t ever have to worry about your hosting infrastructure collapsing underneath you, your customers not receiving timely and important security updates, or your web host services being delayed in taking advantage of the latest and greatest technology.
Instead, HostGator does all of that work for you behind the scenes, while at the same time keeping you updated so that you can be sure to use all of those advancements and advantages as a selling point to capture new customers.
HostGator handles all of the technical and customer service support issues as they bubble up
The technical and customer service support side of a web hosting operation is (or at least can be) an absolute nightmare for those that are just now diving headfirst into the world of this business.
To help ease your transition and to lift this burden from your shoulders completely, HostGator takes responsibility for handling all of your technical and customer service support issues as they are passed along to their service department.
You can also install your own ticketing process to expedite the service that they receive, but you’ll always have the opportunity to fall back on these trained professionals to help you and your customers absolutely every single step of the way.
HostGator has a sterling silver reputation as far as paying their resellers is concerned
Finally, you’ll want to be sure that you are getting paid for the reseller services that you are providing.
By signing up with HostGator, you are always going to be protected by their sterling silver reputation for not only paying a fair commission on the reseller hosting you provide, but also paying promptly and regularly so that you don’t have to worry about anything “falling through the cracks”.
It just doesn’t get any better than this!